‘Intellectual Intifada’ traces the steps of the Prophetic model for the establishment of just governance—stepping round the misconceptions and misrepresentations of Islam, laying bare the collective responsibility of each believer to bring the Caliphate into being. Far from becoming an autocratic tyranny, Rashid shows that a concerted attempt—under the guidance of ijtihād and the ahl al-ḥall wa al-ʿaqd—to eliminate the unjust taxes, the punishment by inflation through usurious banking mechanisms, and the wastefulness of warmongering military budgets, may produce something close to the perfect example of society as established in Madinah. The intelligent way to change the disastrous state of affairs, or affairs of the state—Rashid never shies from calling a spade a spade—is to change oneself. To shake off the shackles of the monocultural consumer slavery that binds us requires—not in violent reaction—but an acute grasp of how things are.