Analysing Community Work
Its Theory and Practice

What is community work - in theory, and in practice?

Community work is a unique and important activity that offers the potential of assisting individuals, groups and communities to achieve change. Keith Popple examines this contested activity analysing its varying theoretical base and practical application. After discussing the development of community work he considers a number of contemporary themes and issues. The author argues for a more critical analysis of community work drawing on a range of key concepts and on the experiences of emerging social movements. He also encourages the extension of community work training and supports the efforts made to establish a national validated qualification.

Analvsing Community Work: Its Theory and Practice will be of value to students, educators, practitioners and policy makers in the fields of community work, youth and community work, social work and social policy. It will also assist those in their occupations such as housing management, co-opperative development and advice and advocacy who are developing their services along community work lines.